A woman’s labour
Found object installations

A tribute to the unseen efforts of the women in my family. From my maternal great-grandmother who took the reins of the family business after the passing of her husband, to my paternal grandmother who toiled daily at home, providing the best care she could for her family. From my maternal grandmother who sold herself to support her sister and daughter, to my paternal aunt who overcame all odds to attain the highest education in her own family. When Western philosophy clashes with Singaporean Chinese teachings, how can I negotiate a feminist stance that includes all the nuances of my culture with the understanding of the progression that should be made?

What the stars are telling us, The Winston Oh Travelogue Award 2018
Lasalle Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (Installation View)

How to remember the Wetterbros and Hjo (you)
4 disposable cameras, 65 photographs saved

What the stars are telling us, The Winston Oh Travelogue Award 2018, LASALLE Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

When you remember something, you’re actually remembering the last time you remembered it.” Photos taken on disposable cameras - who is the photographer and whose memories are we looking at? Are they chronological or has emotional attachment cause shifts in the narrative? What will happen when these people no longer remember?

How many stitches can you unstitch before you give up trying
Video, 2.25 minutes, torn t-shirt with stitches (performance relic)

What the stars are telling us, The Winston Oh Travelogue Award 2018, LASALLE Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore

Stitches are born of repetition - a repeated action of moving thread and needle through fabric. The tedium creating a readable text, lost when torn apart. Migration processes of lovers separated by borders are made of such tedious repetition. The attempt to create a relationship to overcome distance and culture differences becomes lost when one loses sight of the important things: each other.

Special thanks to Johannes Wetterbro for background music