H.G. Adams
Moral of Flowers
We have called the flowers "silent monitors," and not unadvisedly, for many are the lessons they teach, of patient submission, meek endurance, and innocent cheerfulness under the pressure of adverse circumstances.
Image source: The secret Victorian language that's back in fashion
H.G. Adams
Moral of Flowers
We have called the flowers "silent monitors," and not unadvisedly, for many are the lessons they teach, of patient submission, meek endurance, and innocent cheerfulness under the pressure of adverse circumstances.
Captain Charity Adams to recruits
Your uniform must be perfect. Lieutenant Campbell will teach you how to make them perfect. These uniforms were designed for the pencil figure of a white woman, not the curves of a Negro. But I am sure that more than a few of us how how to make use of a needle and a thread, and so we will make them perfect. They must be perfect. No exceptions. You are not only in the army, you are women, and you are Negroes. And because you are Negroes and women, you do not have the luxury to be as good as the white soldiers. You have the burden to be better.
A caricature of Kierkegaard published in The Corsair, a satirical journal
Problema I
Søren Kierkegaard
It is against my very being to speak inhumanly about greatness, to make it a dim and nebulous far-distant shape or to let it be great but devoid of the emergence of the humanness without which it ceases to be great, for it is not what happens to me that makes me great but what I do, and certainly there is no one who believes that someone became great by winning the big lottery prize.