Chapter 6: Devising Myriad Plots
Children, Miss Granger, are a treasure beyond price. When we turn our backs on them, consign them to orphanages, reject them from our homes, we poison the roots of our own culture.
Chapter 6: Devising Myriad Plots
Children, Miss Granger, are a treasure beyond price. When we turn our backs on them, consign them to orphanages, reject them from our homes, we poison the roots of our own culture.
Episode 8
“I dream of hunting in this jungle of metal and asphalt. I imagine my true form leaping from beam to ledge to terrace roof until I am on top of this island. Until I can growl in the faces of all the men who believe they can own me.”
”A terrible thing had been done to me. But I could also be terrible.”
”What I want to do is to hunt. Hunt the men who think they can own us.”
“We take in all these titles and labels like ‘ex-pat’, ‘PRC’, ‘wife’, ‘daughter’, ‘educated’, and we drown in them and we fight them, and we lose sight of what is really important to us because we are so busy trying to tell the world who we are supposed to be.”