H.G. Adams
Moral of Flowers
We have called the flowers "silent monitors," and not unadvisedly, for many are the lessons they teach, of patient submission, meek endurance, and innocent cheerfulness under the pressure of adverse circumstances.
Image source: The secret Victorian language that's back in fashion
H.G. Adams
Moral of Flowers
We have called the flowers "silent monitors," and not unadvisedly, for many are the lessons they teach, of patient submission, meek endurance, and innocent cheerfulness under the pressure of adverse circumstances.
Image of Irvin David Yalom
Irvin D. Yalom
Chapter 1: Love’s Executioner
But suppose it was never a shared experience! Supposed the two people had widely different experiences. And suppose one of them had mistakenly thought her experience was the same as his?
Image Source: DW
Alan Gold
Chapter Three: Joachim Gutman, Allied Occupied Germany, 1946
What frightens me, though, is that the world will forget. And what we forget today we will repeat tomorrow.